Is your website slow?
On many occasions I've done this question and sometimes you do not know the reasons and perhaps even you have made adjustments to your code, images and other and even if continuous without obtaining satisfactory results.
Maybe not are doing the right thing
We sometimes neglect an important element but by ignorance or by thinking that it is less important, leave it to last and this has implications from the start and longer let pass is more difficult to make changes. Read on to discover what I mean.
1. Why is the loading speed important?
2. how that happens and that is neglected?
3. that it does not happen you
4. what should I take into account to purchase Hosting?
1. Why is the loading speed important?
You has happened that when you do a search or want to visit a page that you recommended and the subject can be very fascinating, but when you walk it is that you spend much time and never finishes loading... What you do? It is almost certain that you end up closing the site or simply abandon it and are looking for another alternative site.
This is very common, but the question is: is it important?
Clear that it is not, for various reasons, but I give you the most important:
- It increases the cup of bounce to your site
- You lose audience
- If your site aims to sell, these lost customers
- And for my most important, because it has to do with the above, is affecting your SEO.
If this is your case, you're not the only one, the good news is that you have a solution, which I will explain how to fix later in this post.
2. how that happens and that is neglected?
In the first place is not your fault, since they are details that no one mentions them when we're learning and we are thrilled to create our project we focus on very specific topics of the project.
You typically focus on:
- The design of your site
- Healing of the content
- Carefully select each one of the images
- The language in which your website will be created
- Implement E-commerce
- Create a Blog
- Work on your SEO
And all is well but other aspects which are important as it is Hosting, which should be the first item on the agenda when you create your planning of the project and the most when you start buy it at the last minute and without considering many aspects are neglected.
Why is it neglected?
In general many leave finally the issue of hosting and in many cases by ¨ Save ¨ make the mistake of buying one free, here applies the saying that cheap worthy, out expensive ¨.
I recently read another colleague (I don't remember who was, but is a landmark and promise to add your name and your link) that you said and I quote:
¨ If you want to be professional and that see you as such, you must invest in your hosting ¨.
In other cases they buy him almost blind, they do not assess different aspects, as they are the capacity of the server, security, speed, but it suffers constant falls, etc.
And this happens by that leave the accommodation last and is acquired without assessment in many cases.
3. that it does not happen you
EXAMPLE occurred in the month of June 2016. Real case
Recently I saw an example of some entrepreneurs to twittearon and left it as a Tweet posted in claim to your web hosting provider, this neglect has led them to be out of the cloud for more than one week, despite changed supplier since they must migrate the site.
¨ More than 24 hours without service from our # Hosting @xxxxxxxxxx_xx this seems to be for long. We will issue a statement the web ¨
For reasons of respect not public nor the company with the problem nor the supplier, but it is important to note that it is a very common problem and my goal is to raise awareness of what happens and you do not fall into a mistake that can cost you dearly.
Destaco is instance to be recent, but I've seen it occurring up to the best companies and all with the common factor not give importance to the subject of the hosting contract or buy the cheapest.
Other relevant cases:
- In 2012, company with presence in 4 countries and more than 200 employees with email accounts active, step 15 days without e-mail because of SPAM. Now are my clients and no worries of Hosting.
- In 2015, company specialized in Software development I am no web page for a week, had not noticed until a client informed them.
- Feb 2016, leader in manufacturing and distribution of food, is not owner of your domain and they had not noticed and all for trusting a provider that charged them cheaper...
4. what should I take into account to purchase Hosting?
I can recommend with much property that the Hosting is one of the main aspects to be considered, of course without neglecting others, all have a degree of importance, be ordered to create a plan, take a calendar and has clear goals, the Hosting we can not last, should be among the first to consider.
That you should consider:
They are many aspect but I will give you that in my opinion are the most important
If you want to throw yourself professionally and start selling your products or service, the first thing that you should do is invest and don't limit yourself to the most inexpensive, since you're limiting your business and your income.
You do not decide for the most cheap, look at it as an investment.
Don't limit yourself to little space, compares and remember that by limiting you in a good investment many times you sacrifice disk space and as you're growing can stay short and forced to migrate your site.
Plans offered by are with unlimited disk space
- Permitted traffic per month
This topic is very important, since it refers to the traffic that your provider concerning visits to your site, lets between more demand there are to your site more traffic is required, hence the importance that don't limit yourself because you were in the moment that nobody can access your site since you are short with the size of the monthly traffic and by which you will be losing sales and your SEO will be affected.
As well as the disk space the traffic allowed monthly at times is limited by the investment of your web hosting.
I also recommend hosting because that gives you unlimited traffic plans
- Number of accounts of email
This depends on much that so great is your organization, manage the hosting of a company with staff that pass 50,100, 1000 or more employees; the amount of email accounts is taken very seriously and see together with the amount of disk space that your provider offers.
It is important to see the combination of disk space with the amount of email accounts.
It is important when invest in a shared hosting on a dedicated IP, and this is nothing more than your site have an IP that will not be shared with another client of your provider despite being on a shared server.
But not clarified is that bad to share the IP to the server be shared (is normal for shared plans and if you already have a website or blog the safest which is that your share the IP and no one had informed him you), everything depends on the security offered by your provider.
Advantages of dedicated IP:
It is add one padlock to safety, that if for any reason one of the neighbors of the shared host emits SPAM and IP banned (the IP is reported that emits SPAM is blocked and some servers will not accepted entries of mail by this State).
Helps your SEO, as if in a server safe and you combine it with a dedicated IP will not have problems of IP banning, unless by the way you're sending email SPAM.
More SEO strategy, when you have more than one domain and web sites have them hosted on the same server and you have external links to the pages, nothing will help you if you have a shared IP, since Google verifies that the IP is the same regardless of whatever different domain.
But if strategically at each web site you put a dedicated Google IP will understand that they are two totally different sites and hence if assessed your ranking for external links.
The loading speed of your website affects your SEO, the amount of rebounds and even in your sales (if your site has as one of its purposes is to sell), already have a website or blog that slow load you will be hurting much.
Also this topic is related to the investment that you make, many offering you a super price will give you very limited services and among them are their speed, because to offer low prices as more secure than your infrastructure is very limited.
Usually not all providers give you information about the performance of your servers before you buy it, some details until after the engagement, to solve this impasse find out with third parties and recommend you or offer you a service reference.
Clients can learn a little of the reputation of hosting through provider and do tests, but it will be to assess if the slowness (in case of being) due to the server or another aspect of the site.
The supplier must ensure, in addition to security, that their servers are well optimized, good processor, plenty of memory, balanced load, etc.
Hosting that offers gives you the guarantee that the issue of security and speed are well optimized.
All these aspects are important to consider for the part your Hosting selection, sure there are more but in my experience I have summarized them as those who you consider as important, but also it depends on your project, for example if you need to create a blog it is important that the hosting offers WordPress since insurance you may need it.
You don't skimp on investing in a good hosting, since the part of investment goes hand in hand with the services offered, the more you invest you get greater benefits in security issues and capabilities.
I can assure you that the services offered by are excellent and one of the aspects most important is the security and Performance of your servers.
I hope that this information has been useful, I invite you to think about this topic and if you need to talk about a topic in particular you can request it.
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